Throwing Thursdays 10am- 1pm


Thursdays 10am-1pm

Beginner- Intermediate

Meets on Thursdays 10:00am- 1:00pm with John Robinson (Covering for Lucy Alexander) during the session you choose from the drop down menu below

Read more about the instructor here: Meet Our Staff

Session 5: July 11th - Aug 9th (5 weeks)

See course dates here

For students who are interested in beginner-intermediate wheel throwing techniques. John will focus on teaching throwing basics such as centering and shaping work on the wheel for beginners, while also offering more challenging projects for more advanced students.

Instruction will include wedging, centering, and throwing off the hump. John will also offer demos on surface design techniques such as sgraffito and decal application. Along with weekly demos, John will work one on one with students to help them improve their technique and complete individual projects.

Price includes $50 materials fee to cover the cost of clay, glaze and firing services. In order to reduce our studio's environmental impact, all courses include 15 lbs of reclaim clay and one flat rate firing and glaze fee. All other clay bodies are still available for purchase in studio.

Adult students must have their own tools. Starter tool kits can be purchased on the first day of class at the studio for $25/kit (plus tax).

To sign up choose a session from the drop down menu.

Studio Policies & Guidelines

Enroll Now
Contemporary Clay 9am-12pm
Muddy Mondays 6pm-9pm
Handbuilding 6pm-9pm
Wheel Wednesdays 10am- 1pm
Throwing Thursdays 6pm-9pm